Yay! Now you’re in the loop!


  • Safe, effective, non-surgical methods to remove excess body fat.
  • Smooth the appearance of the body without downtime or scars.
  • Our technologies are powerful and reliable for real, visible improvements.
  • Remove unwanted fat, increase circulation, rebuild collagen and elating, restore the smooth, toned shape of the body.

Money-Back Guarantee*

  • We are happy to offer a refund if you are not seeing any results*
* Terms & Conditions Apply:
  • The client will be weighed and measured prior to the first treatment and 12 weeks after the last treatment.
  • The client will be required to drink the prescribed amount of water daily.
  • Nutrition coaching is available but not required. Our nutrition & fitness services are covered under most health insurance benefits.
It’s Time to Take the Next Step!

Request Your Consultation!

What to expect during a consultation

  • All your questions will be answered!
  • An explanation of the different technologies available and how they work.
  • A breakdown of pricing options.
  • Personalized recommendations and treatment plan just for YOU!

1. Discovery

We will do a discovery to learn about your goals & results you are looking for


2. Assessment

We will assess your current lifestyle, past experience. We will go through it and see what is working for YOU & what is not


3. Professional Recommendations

We will discuss expert & professional recommendations

Sparkle Prescription (Game Plan)

Customize the perfect game plan around your expectations & budget & answer any questions.