Facial Skin Tightening

Tempsure RF Envy

Aww, hi there!

Aww, hi there! At Sparkle, we’ve been using a special technology called Tempsure for a while now. It used to be called Pelleve, but we’ve made some upgrades! Back in the day, we had to put our Poelleve machine in the freezer to make it work properly for skin tightening treatments. Can you imagine that? Brrr! But now,

Tempsure is super powerful, comfortable, and gets the same amazing results as the old Pelleve. So if you want your skin to feel firm and fabulous again, come on over for a quick and easy treatment with Tempsure! It’s like a cozy hug for your skin!

Madelaine Signature

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What TempSure Does?

Tempsure Envy is a non-invasive medical device that uses radiofrequency energy to tighten and rejuvenate the skin. It works by delivering heat to the deep layers of the skin, stimulating collagen production and causing the skin to tighten and become firmer.

This cute little machine is perfect for anyone who wants to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, improve skin texture and tone, and achieve a more youthful and radiant look. It’s like a magical wand that helps your skin look its best!

Tempsure + Botox Injections

Tempsure is a fantastic treatment that can actually complement the results of Botox injections. Here’s how it works:

Botox is a popular injectable treatment that temporarily relaxes facial muscles, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. However, Botox does not address the underlying cause of wrinkles, which is often a loss of collagen and elastin in the skin.

That’s where Tempsure comes in! Tempsure uses radiofrequency energy to heat the deep layers of the skin, stimulating collagen production and tightening the skin. By promoting collagen growth, Tempsure can enhance the results of Botox and help to prolong the effects of the injections.

Are you a good candidate for Tempsure?

The best candidates for Tempsure are typically individuals who:

  • Are in good overall health: This means that they don’t have any underlying medical conditions that could interfere with the treatment.
  • Are looking to address mild to moderate skin laxity: Tempsure is great for those who are experiencing loose or sagging skin in areas such as the face, neck, abdomen, or arms.
  • Have realistic expectations: While Tempsure can produce great results, it’s important for candidates to have realistic expectations about what the treatment can achieve.
  • Are willing to undergo multiple treatment sessions: While some people may see results after just one session, most will require a series of treatments to achieve optimal results.
  • Have a positive attitude and a desire to take care of their skin: Candidates who are committed to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, staying hydrated, and protecting their skin from sun damage are more likely to see long-lasting results from Tempsure.

Tempsure + Other Laser Treatments

Tempsure is a versatile treatment that can be combined with other laser treatments to help achieve even better results. Here’s how:

Tempsure uses radiofrequency energy to heat the deep layers of the skin, stimulating collagen production and tightening the skin. This makes it a great complement to other laser treatments, which often target different layers of the skin.

For example, if you’re undergoing a laser resurfacing treatment to reduce the appearance of acne scars or sun damage, you could combine it with Tempsure to help tighten and lift the skin, creating a smoother and more youthful appearance.

Similarly, if you’re getting laser hair removal or a tattoo removal treatment, you could add Tempsure to help stimulate collagen production and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in the treated area.

Tempsure For the Body

Tempsure can be used on areas of the body such as the abdomen, thighs, and arms to help tighten loose skin and reduce the appearance of cellulite. The radiofrequency energy heats the deep layers of the skin, stimulating collagen production and causing the skin to tighten and become firmer. This makes it a great option for individuals who are looking to improve the appearance of their body contour without undergoing invasive surgery.

Tempsure For the Vagina

Tempsure Vitalia is a special attachment that can be used to perform non-invasive vaginal rejuvenation. The treatment uses radiofrequency energy to stimulate collagen production and improve blood flow to the vaginal area, which can help improve vaginal laxity, dryness, and discomfort. This makes it a great option for women who have experienced changes in their vaginal health due to childbirth, menopause, or other factors.

Before & After

Please note that the before and after pictures shown on our website are for illustrative purposes only and do not constitute a guarantee of results.

Tempsure Envi Before After
Tempsure Envi Before After 3 scaled
Tempsure Envi Before After

TempSure RF Q&A

What is Tempsure?

Tempsure is a non-invasive skin-tightening treatment that uses radiofrequency energy to stimulate collagen production and improve skin laxity. It can be used on various parts of the body, including the face, neck, arms, abdomen, and thighs.

How does Tempsure work?

Tempsure works by delivering radiofrequency energy deep into the skin. This energy heats the skin’s deeper layers, stimulating collagen production and causing the skin to tighten and become firmer. The treatment is non-invasive and generally comfortable, with no downtime required.

What are the benefits of Tempsure?

The benefits of Tempsure include improved skin texture and tone, reduced fine lines and wrinkles, and a more youthful, rejuvenated appearance. It’s a non-invasive treatment that requires no downtime, making it a great option for individuals who want to improve their skin without undergoing surgery.

Who is a good candidate for Tempsure?

Good candidates for Tempsure are typically individuals who are in good overall health and are looking to address mild to moderate skin laxity. They should have realistic expectations about the treatment’s results and be willing to undergo multiple treatment sessions to achieve optimal results.

Is Tempsure safe?

Yes, Tempsure is a safe and effective treatment when performed by a qualified skincare specialist or healthcare provider. The treatment uses radiofrequency energy, which is a proven and safe technology that has been used in medical settings for many years.

How many Tempsure treatments are needed to see results?

Most individuals will need a series of treatments to see optimal results from Tempsure. The exact number of treatments will depend on the individual’s specific needs and goals, but most people will require between 3-4 treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart.

What can I expect during a Tempsure treatment?

During a Tempsure treatment, you’ll lie down while a handheld device is passed over the treatment area. The treatment is generally comfortable, with most people experiencing a warm, tingling sensation. There is no downtime required, so you can return to your normal activities immediately after the treatment.

Are there any side effects from Tempsure?

Most people experience no side effects from Tempsure, though some may experience mild redness or swelling in the treatment area. These side effects typically subside within a few hours to a few days.

How long do the results of Tempsure last?

The results of Tempsure can vary depending on the individual and the treatment area, but most people can expect to see noticeable improvements for several months after their last treatment. Maintenance treatments can help extend the results.

Is there any preparation required before a Tempsure treatment?

There is no special preparation required before a Tempsure treatment. However, it’s best to avoid wearing any makeup or skincare products on the treatment area on the day of your appointment.

How long does a Tempsure treatment take?

The length of a Tempsure treatment session can vary depending on the treatment area and the individual’s specific needs, but most treatments take between 30-60 minutes.

Can Tempsure be combined with other treatments?

Yes, Tempsure can be combined with other treatments to enhance the overall results. Some common combinations include Tempsure with Botox or dermal fillers for a more comprehensive facial rejuvenation.

Is Tempsure painful?

Most people find Tempsure to be a comfortable and painless treatment. Some people may experience a mild warming or tingling sensation during the treatment, but this is generally well-tolerated.

How does Tempsure compare to other skin-tightening treatments?

Compared to other skin-tightening treatments, Tempsure is a non-invasive and generally comfortable option that requires no downtime. It’s also versatile and can be used on various parts of the body, including the face, neck, and abdomen.

How much does Tempsure cost?

The cost of Tempsure can vary depending on the individual’s specific needs and the treatment area. It’s best to consult with a qualified skincare specialist or healthcare provider for a personalized quote.

What is the Tempsure RF device?

The Tempsure RF device is a non-invasive treatment that uses radiofrequency energy to stimulate collagen production and tighten skin. It can be used to treat a variety of areas on the face and body, including the forehead, eyes, cheeks, chin, neck, and hands.

How does the Tempsure RF device work?

The Tempsure RF device uses radiofrequency energy to gently heat the skin’s deep layers, which helps to stimulate collagen production. This collagen boost leads to tighter, smoother, and more youthful-looking skin over time.

Is the Tempsure RF device safe?

Yes, the Tempsure RF device is generally considered safe for most patients. However, as with any medical procedure, there are some risks and potential side effects. Your doctor will discuss these with you before the treatment and help you determine if it’s the right option for you.

How many treatments are required with the Tempsure RF device?

The number of treatments required with the Tempsure RF device can vary depending on the patient’s skin type and the specific area being treated. Typically, patients require between three and six treatments for optimal results.

What are the benefits of using the Tempsure RF device?

The Tempsure RF device offers several benefits for patients, including non-invasive treatment, no downtime, and the ability to target multiple areas at once. Additionally, it is a safe and effective option for those looking to improve the appearance of their skin without surgery.

Does the Tempsure RF device hurt?

Most patients find the Tempsure RF treatment to be comfortable and virtually painless. The device has a built-in temperature control system that keeps the skin at a comfortable temperature throughout the treatment.

Tempsure Treatment ENvi Moncton

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Our team takes pride in working collaboratively to provide personalized care and solutions for each client's feminine needs, prioritizing open communication and respect for each other's expertise. We're dedicated to helping every client feel comfortable and confident throughout their treatment journey.

Client's Love

I had my third and final procedure for vaginal rejuvenation at Sparkle. Thanks again for always making me feel welcome as soon as I walk through the door. Smiles mean a lot to me. It is a beautiful place, very welcoming! They always communicated well with me during my visits. She made me feel so comfortable during all three procedures. I am so thankful I came. The procedure was worth the experience as it has helped me tremendously. Thanks again, everyone.

Angela D.

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