Depressor Anguli Oris (DAO)

| Advanced Botox Injection Technique

The DAO muscle, located around the corners of the mouth, plays a pivotal role in facial expressions by pulling the corners downward. This action can give a naturally sad or unhappy appearance.

Targeting the DAO muscle with Botox injections can significantly uplift the corners of the mouth, enhancing facial aesthetics and contributing to a more youthful and positive expression.


Technique Overview:

  • Placement: 1cm lateral and 1cm down from the corner of the mouth.
  • Units: Typically, 3 to 5 units per side.
  • Depth: Full Needle (Deep).

Technique Execution:

  • Injection: Carefully align the needle and inject directly into the identified muscle, aiming for precise placement.
  • Muscle Activation: Ask the client to make a sad face or frown to better identify the DAO muscle.
  • Muscle Localization: Gently pinch the targeted area to confirm the muscle’s exact location.
  • Relaxation: Ensure the client’s facial muscles are completely relaxed before proceeding.

Combining Neurotoxins with Dermal Fillers

The combination of treating the Depressor Anguli Oris (DAO) muscle with dermal fillers can be beneficial in certain cases. It is typically considered when there is a noticeable volume loss or asymmetry in the lower face, particularly around the corners of the mouth.

When the DAO muscle is overactive, it can contribute to a downturned or sad appearance. Botox or other muscle relaxants can be used to temporarily weaken the muscle and lift the corners of the mouth. However, in some instances, the volume loss in the area may also need to be addressed to achieve a balanced and harmonious result.

Dermal fillers can be used to add volume and restore symmetry to the lower face. By strategically placing the fillers in the surrounding areas, such as the marionette lines or the corners of the mouth, the downward pull of the DAO muscle can be counteracted. This combination approach can help to achieve a more youthful and lifted appearance.

It’s important to note that the decision to combine DAO treatment with dermal fillers should be made on an individual basis.


The combination of treating the Depressor Anguli Oris (DAO) muscle with dermal fillers can be beneficial in certain cases. It is typically considered when there is a noticeable volume loss or asymmetry in the lower face, particularly around the corners of the mouth.

When the DAO muscle is overactive, it can contribute to a downturned or sad appearance. Botox or other muscle relaxants can be used to temporarily weaken the muscle and lift the corners of the mouth. However, in some instances, the volume loss in the area may also need to be addressed to achieve a balanced and harmonious result.

Dermal fillers can be used to add volume and restore symmetry to the lower face. By strategically placing the fillers in the surrounding areas, such as the marionette lines or the corners of the mouth, the downward pull of the DAO muscle can be counteracted. This combination approach can help to achieve a more youthful and lifted appearance.

It’s important to note that the decision to combine DAO treatment with dermal fillers should be made on an individual basis.

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